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If you would like to add a photo, company logo, or colors to your print ad, you will need to purchase a classified display ad.

Display ads cannot be purchased using our online order form.

Call 617-496-6686 or e-mail classifieds@
 to place a display ad.

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Plain text costs $5.40 per word. We make the first two words bold for no additional cost; additional bold text costs an extra $5.40 per word. To make a word bold, highlight the word and click the B at the bottom of the text area.

  • The online calculator will not give a correct word count if words are misspelled or spaces are omitted.
  • The classifieds department will contact you if there are errors that affect the price of your ad.
  • Abbreviated words are still charged per word, i.e. “2BR” counts as 2 words: “2 bedroom”.
  • Websites and e-mail addresses each count as 2 words.


If you choose to have your Harvard class year noted in bolded red, fill out the form above (otherwise please skip it). You will be vetted through Harvard University’s alumni records. Only your class year will appear in bold red at the end of your ad.


Upload a photo to accompany your ad online ($40/photo per issue). Our camera icon will appear next to your ad in print. Call if you need more than 3 photos.

On line Photo(s):

If you would like to add a photo, company logo, or colors to your print ad, you will need to purchase a classified display ad.

Display ads cannot be purchased using our online order form.

Call 617-496-6686 or e-mail to place a display ad.

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